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How do I use the App?

Once subscribed, you can access the app at B-LSS.com. Click the tab in the top right that says “App” and login.

Volume can be adjusted by tapping on the UP arrow to increase volume or tapping on the down arrow to decrease volume. It is recommended that you choose headphones that allows you to hear discussion while listening to BLS.

Speed and activation of sounds can be adjusted by tapping the arrow up to highest level of 8, or decrease speed by tapping arrow down; lowest available is 0. Choose speed that the user is comfortable with.

Sound can be changed between 3 choices of Pings. Once paused, tap tthe menu labeled ‘Sound’ and choose frome one of the options.

Timer is activated when the green start arrow is tapped, and timer will pause when you tap the blue pause symbol. The total elapsed time is tracked at the bottom. This allows you to navigate processing time and how long you have been using the app.

How do I save the App as a shortcut on my home screen?

The app can be saved on an Android and Apple products. On Apple tap on Menu Icon and scroll down to Add to Home Screen (SEE BELOW). On Android tap on 3 dots of Menu Icon and tap on Add to Home Screen.

How do I keep my device from timing out while using the App?

Depending on the device being used, check your Settings to access ‘Auto-Lock’ for screen activity. Your device maybe set for a short time which may close down the B-LSS app and may disrupt the processing. Ideally, change your Auto-Lock to ‘never’ while using app, or just tap your screen before the screen closes to keep processing.